A HUGE heart felt thank you to all our incredible families for your generous donations to our Christmas Toy Drive! Because of your kindness, we collected over 700 toys, allowing our amazing student and parent helpers to create over 100 Christmas packs! Each pack was carefully put together with love, including a large toy, medium toy, soft toy, stocking fillers, a book, puzzle, and craft item.
A special congratulations to Phoebe and Sophie, our Student Leaders for Community Engagement, for leading this Christmas drive to such a wonderful success!
These thoughtful packs have now been delivered to We Care Connect, who will distribute them to local families in need this Christmas through agencies like Catholic Care, SVDP, Mary Mac’s, and more.
A special shoutout to We Care Connect for joining us to guide our helpers on the best way to assemble the packs. Your support and dedication are truly inspiring!
Finally, thank to our wonderful Parent Engagement Coordinator, Jo, for coordinating and supporting the students with this very special initiative.
Together, you have all spread so much Christmas joy!