We embrace learning, pursue excellence and care for self and others.

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St Peter’s is a faith community providing opportunities for the spiritual growth of its members and encouraging commitment to Catholic values, which in turn contributes to the growth of the whole Christian person. We provide a religious life which is fully alive and authentically Catholic through:

  • The religious and spiritual development of students as a compulsory part of the curriculum and included in all Key Learning Area programs
  • Religious Education as a separate subject.

Religious Education is also a means for providing experiences in faith development for both Catholic and non-Catholic students.

Catholic story

An understanding of what it means to be Catholic, and an appreciation of our Catholic story.

Reflection through life experiences

Opportunities to critically reflect upon life experiences in the light of the faith of the Church.

Reflection Days

Reflection Days for Years 7 to 10 and a two day Retreat experience for Year 11 providing opportunities for exploring relationships with self, others, and God


Opportunities for prayer, worship and celebration in the classroom, at assemblies, at staff meetings, on camps and retreats, and as part of College events following the church’s liturgical calendar and observing liturgical seasons. Liturgies are prepared in partnership with the Parish Priests and in consultation with Liturgical Documents.

College Chapel

The geographical and spiritual centre of the school for staff and students for prayer and quiet reflection during school hours and used for class Masses, Friday morning Masses and staff prayer.


Prayer is an integral part of the life of the College. It can be both communal and personal and involves staff, students and parents. In the life of the College, however, communal prayer is both appropriate and to be expected in various situations and on different occasions. All members of the College community are involved in its prayer life, which is part of the daily routine of all Homerooms and classes.