We invite all parents, carers, and community members to join us for the live-stream of the Annual Global Rosary Relay which we will be hosting in our Chapel on Friday 16th June at 10.20am, followed by morning tea.
The Worldpriest Annual Global Rosary Relay is where people from all over the world join together in prayer for the sanctification of priests. Our Diocese is an official prayer location, and the event will be live-streamed from the Hornsby Cathedral on Friday 16th June 10.30am, which we will broadcast in our St Peter’s Catholic College Chapel.
Rosary beads will be supplied for those who don’t have them, and we encourage you to come along even if you have never prayed the Rosary before.
Please RSVP via this form for catering purposes https://forms.office.com/r/PUZfbnqpGz