We are thrilled to announce that St Peter’s Catholic College took out First place as WINNERS of the 2023 ‘Battle of the Chefs’ competition held today in our College’s Trade Training Centre kitchens!
A huge CONGRATULATIONS to our BATTLE OF THE CHEFS 2023 WINNING TEAM Anthony I, Emily B and Elizabeth P! 

Second place was awarded to Brigidine College and Third place was taken by Mater Maria. Congratulations to those teams, and all of the schools who battled it out today – the dishes presented by all contestants were outstanding.
It was an intense competition involving a surprise mystery box of ingredients for the main course and a pear dessert dish. Each team were given the same ingredients with the same time to plan and create their recipes ready to be judged by visiting TAFE NSW – Ourimbah teachers at Industry Standard.
We are so proud of our VET Hospitality Kitchen Operations senior students Anthony, Emily and Elizabeth. Your dedication, focus, teamwork and culinary skills that you all have demonstrated today are nothing short of exceptional and inspirational. A HUGE THANK YOU to Hospitality teachers Amy Taylor for leading our Battle of the Chefs 2023 team to an amazing victory and Katherine Gregory for organising the competition and collaborating with staff across Catholic Schools Broken Bay. Your expertise and passion for the work that you both do is so greatly appreciated.
Another special mention of gratitude is for our hard working trade centre kitchen assistant Deb who prepares, cleans and facilitates the Battle Of the Chefs event with precision. Assisting in the kitchen were our Year 11 students Kaitlin, Bryson, Reagan, Monica and Zoe – we are grateful also for your commitment to your school community.
Once again, congratulations to our WINNERS of the Catholic Schools Broken Bay ‘Battle of the Chefs’ 2023 Competition!