St Peter’s Open Girls and Boys Basketball teams competed at the Broken Bay Open Basketball Competition last Monday at Breakers Stadium Terrigal, playing other Catholic Schools from Sydney and the Central Coast. The competition was fierce, with some particularly strong and skilled teams challenging our players to give their best on the court.
Our girls had a strong team chosen from Years 11 and 12, with two victories against St Brigid’s and Mackillop. The girls played well together and above all had fun on the court. Although we did not make the semi-finals, St Peter’s can be proud of the way in which these ladies represented the College.
Our boys worked exceptionally well together to finish with a respectable 3-3 record which included a tough loss for the boys to Mater Maria that fueled the fire for the remaining games. Overall, a great day with many highlights such as, dunks, buzzer beaters, three pointers and above all teamwork.
Congratulations to both our teams on their solid effort on the day!