Our Enrichment and Extension Programs are designed to inspire excellence in all learners and seek to enrich and extend the learning of knowledge and skills that are authentic, stimulating and challenging. We aim to ignite their passion.
Our numerous enrichment and extension programs provide diverse and inclusive opportunities for learners to further develop their gifts and talents with peers who share similar aspirations, skills and passion. Through our programs, learners can excel in one domain or in many and can achieve intellectually, creatively, socially, or physically.
Identifying and nurturing the gifts and talents of our young people requires a strong partnership between the family, our school and the wider community and we are guided through this process by the Catholic Schools Office.
Read Our Student Success Stories at News

At St Peter’s we believe each learner is unique and that learning experiences must inspire a passion for lifelong learning and growth.
We believe each young person’s gifts, talents and skills develop at different rates and as a result of embracing a range of learning experiences. Our Mission and Vision is to “provide challenging learning experiences” and to “pursue excellence”.
We strive to meet the diverse needs of all our learners and support them to pursue excellence through our extensive and contemporary Enrichment and Extension Programs which include:
Gnosis is a High Potential and Gifted Education (HPGE) program unique to St Peter’s Catholic College. Through nationally standardised ability testing, incoming students are universally screened to identify High Potential or Giftedness in one or more of the three strands: verbal reasoning, numerical reasoning and general abstract reasoning. Students with strength in verbal reasoning can communicate with clarity, precision and purpose. They are intrigued with the world around them and are curious about how to articulate what they see. They wrangle words for effect, speaking with conviction and writing with heart. Students who test strongly in this strand are placed in our Humanities Gnosis class for Religious Education and English in year 7, as well as History in year 8. Students with strength in numerical reasoning are logical and sequential thinkers who thrive on finding novel solutions to problems. They love numbers and facts and can see patterns where most others can’t. They can find form and structure in the world and help provide reasons for it. Students who test strongly in this strand are placed in our Sciences Gnosis class for Mathematics, Science, Geography and PDPHE. Students with strengths in general abstract reasoning are visual and spatial learners. They can appreciate form and function while also appreciating the aesthetics of a piece. They’re able to communicate visually, and love to see shapes and patterns in the world around them. Students who test strongly in this strand are placed in our Arts Gnosis class for Creative Arts and TAS. Students may be in one, two or all three of the Gnosis classes depending on their results in our ability test.
Placing like-minded students with specialist trained teachers in Gnosis classes means that students are working with experts in their area who are adept at differentiating each student’s learning journey so that they are always challenged. Some strategies teachers of Gnosis classes use include curriculum compaction, depth and complexity studies, personal interest projects and differentiation of content, delivery or product. Students are recognised for their strengths and pushed to enrich and extend their skills and knowledge. Gnosis classes are available to all students who show High Potential or Giftedness within one or more of the strands regardless of any barriers they may face in their learning journey. Twice-exceptional students (students with High Potential or Giftedness as well as a diagnosis such as ASD, ADHD or other specific learning need like Dyslexia) are supported by their core teacher and other Learning Support staff so that they can reach their full potential.
In the rapidly changing world of work (WoW) Australia’s long-term economic growth will be reliant on an adequately skilled and educated workforce. At St Peter’s we acknowledge that a significant portion of our role as a school is to prepare our students to be successful in life beyond school (Towards Excellence).
Our Towards Excellence and Learning Framework, state of the art specialised facilities and flexible timetable support the delivery of an extensive range of courses and programs that provide pathways to university and the world of work. With guidance from our fully qualified Careers and Pathways Leader, a registered Professional Member of Careers Advisors Association of NSW, all our learners and families/ carers have access to personalised career consultation and access to a wide range of opportunities and experiences to transition to the WoW.
Discover more about careers and pathways and the weekly College Careers Newsletter at: https://www.stpeterscareers.com/
At St Peter’s we believe participation in our Co-curricular and Clubs Program enhances learning through skill development, friendly competition and collaboration and facilitates positive relationships. It is one of our key community-builders.
We pride ourselves on our vibrant and well-rounded programs that provide participation and connectivity opportunities across all year levels, no matter the level of skill and experience.
✓ARTSCHOOL: Art, Dance, Drama, Music Program & Musicals
✓ Book Club
✓Café Club
✓Chess Club
✓Coding Club
✓Digital Media Club
✓Homework Club
✓Language Club
✓ Minecraft Club
✓Mock Trials
✓Public Speaking
✓STEM Club
✓Study Skills Club
✓Young Entrepreneurs Club
✓Ukulele Club
St Peter’s graduates Live their Faith; they are respectful and always care for themselves, their families, and the world around them. A St Peter's Graduate is committed to the common good (Towards Excellence). We promote awareness of their place as global citizens and our students have access to a range of opportunities that link them to their local and wider community. These include:
Environment Portfolio:
Lady Elliott Island
Youth Ministry:
Our Youth Ministry is led by an experienced teacher who works with the students to provide school-based faith formation and youth ministry opportunities, linking them to the wider Catholic community. The Youth Minister collaborates with other YMs, local parishes and Catholic Youth Broken Bat to provide a range of voluntary activities including attendance at Diocesan functions, national and international youth festivals. The Youth Minister is also responsible for the delivery of a Certificate II in Active Volunteering (VET).
Local and Global experiences:
To promote a sense of social justice, equity and to develop rich perspectives we encourage and support our community to participate in a range of local and global experiences including but not limited to:
✓ Fiji - schools connection program
✓ House Building and teaching in Cambodia/ Vietnam
✓ Indigenous Spiritual Tour to Central Australia
✓ Red Cross Appeal
✓ St Vinnies Appeal: Winter and Christmas Appeals
Educating our future generations is the responsibility of the entire community, not just schools.
Successful schools build partnerships in order to provide opportunities and the best outcomes for students (Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER), 2012, p. 18). Our community partnerships and their resources effectively support and empower positive engagement, enrichment and excellence for learning and wellbeing and significant outcomes for our young people. Our extensive partnerships help students access resources outside the school and provide a connection with industry and professional expertise.
Our strong partnerships with community groups, local government, small local businesses and educational institutions provide professional development for staff, vocational offerings and work placements for students, creative production and opportunities for exhibitions and performance, health and fitness programs for students, environmental projects and a wide variety of other expertise.
St Peter’s partnerships provide opportunities for parent collaboration, avenues for student voice, opportunities for cross generational learning and they allow the curriculum to be more easily connected to real-world experiences.
Our Partnerships include:
ASPECT: St Peter's is proud to support ASPECT with provision of secondary educational services through satellite classes within the St Peter's campus. These classes are made possible through partnerships with ASPECT, the NSW Department of Education and Training and the Broken Bay Diocese Catholic Education Office.
ASPECT can be contacted using the below link.
Australian Catholic University (ACU)
Macquarie University: Gifted and Talented Entry Program, Leaders and Achievers Program
Sydney University: STEM Program
University of Newcastle: Women in Engineering, BIG Day In IT, Spotlight Program and sponsors of our Young Entrepreneurs Club
CSO DBB: Battle of the Business Assistants, Battle of the Builders, Battle of the Chefs
CCGT: Try-a-Skill Day and sponsors of our Young Entrepreneurs Club
WorldSkills: VET Competitions
At St Peter's we believe each member of our community is a leader. To support this concept our range of Enrichment and Extension Programs provide those leadership opportunities. Through our structured Student Leadership and Camps Program students can further extend themselves.
Our Student Leadership Program provides roles as:
- College Captains
- College Vice Captains
- Portfolio Leaders
- House Captains
Through our extensive Camp Program, students develop resilience as they challenge and extend themselves outside the 'classroom'.
With over 40 different sports and fitness opportunities we have one of the most extensive Fitness and Sport Programs in the State. This Program caters for the diverse needs of all our students and supports our Vision to “promote resilience and wellbeing”, through excellence, enrichment, and extension.
Students are provided the opportunity to represent in a wide variety of sports at various levels:
✓ School
✓ Regional including Diocesan
✓ State
✓ National