On the 31st of August, an excited and enthusiastic buzz filled the ‘Q Block Gallery’ space for the annual HSC Visual Arts Exhibition, showcasing the spectacular Body of Works created by our talented 2023 Year 12 Visual Arts students. Family and friends were invited to attend this special event and share in the celebration. This was an opportunity for our senior students to take pride and place in front of their artworks, explain their artistic journey and share their creative concepts.
This year we saw fantastic artworks created in the Expressive forms of Printmaking, Sculpture, Drawing, Painting, and Collection of Works. The Body of Work contributes 50% of the Visual Arts HSC mark, with the remaining 50% being the HSC Examination.
Our artists, Lucy C, Tara C, Eden M, Mani M, Kira S and Bethany S, have worked consistently over the duration of the Year 12 course, to develop their concepts, and resolve their ideas and artmaking practice. The students have produced artworks with a strong individual connection, conveying themes of cultural identity, academic pressure, emotions, and personal interests.
Congratulations to our Visual Arts students on their incredible pieces which are showcased in the video below, followed by a gallery of the Visual Arts Exhibition Evening.