Our mission is to challenge our learners through a focus on excellence.
Contemporary Learning Spaces
St Peter’s learning spaces are new or modernised, and air-conditioned, to enable optimal learning. Our contemporary open areas are learner-centred where learners are engaged, self-regulated, collaborative, aspirational and responsible for their learning.
With a focus on skills-based learning, health and wellbeing and modern pedagogies, there is a need for the College to create more flexible, yet purposed spaces and areas for showcasing student work, performance, sport and wellbeing, science and technology and trade training in addition to larger contemporary general learning areas. As the Learning Framework drives learning to be a collaborative student-centred approach, the learning spaces must support this change and model for students the type of environments that more closely reflect their future workplaces.
Contemporary Learning Spaces For Skills-Based Learning
Our Facilities
College Hall

Creative Arts

St Peter’s offer students a fully equipped Dance Studio together with floor to ceiling mirrors, change rooms, air conditioning and a costume room. This dedicated Dance Studio provides students with dance space for class work, as well as a performance space for assessment tasks and concerts. For larger performances students are able to utilise the state of the art facilities of either our main Hall or Theatre spaces.
The St Peter’s House of Drama is a purpose built performance space used specifically and exclusively for Drama. Our fully carpeted and air conditioned space includes a permanent stage, spot lighting, stage lighting, sound system, an outdoor practice space with attached prop room and can comfortably accommodate an audience capacity of 100. The House of Drama is used throughout the year for Drama Nights held for each class to showcase to parents both class work and extra curricular performances. For larger performances students are able to utilise the state of the art facilities of either our main Hall or Theatre spaces.
The physical environment of the Art building helps to inspire students to learn about and enjoy art. There is a strong visual presence with both past and present student artworks on permanent display in the Art classrooms, hallway gallery and also prominently exhibited around the school. Facilities include purpose built art classrooms, darkroom, photography laboratory, dedicated ceramics room with electric wheels and two kilns.
Library & Learning Centre
Our Library provides curriculum-based resources, literature and recreational materials in a variety of formats that support the diverse needs of the College community. To access our St Peter’s eLibrary anywhere, anytime, on multiple devices click here.
On-site parking
Ovals & sports fields
St Peter’s has multiple ovals, basketball courts, cricket nets & sports fields and indoor areas supporting our School of Excellence in Fitness and Sports. Our educators promote increased participation in sports and physical activity to enhance cognitive function, improved academic performance and positive wellbeing.
- A full-sized commercial and domestic kitchens
- Engineering workshops (2)
- Design and Technology workshops (2)
- Wood Technology workshops (2)
- Building and Construction equipment and facilities
- Textiles workshop
- 3D Printing rooms
- Photography and Digital Media workshops
- Drawing workshops with CAD facilities.