St Peter’s this year is supporting Mary Mac’s in our Christmas donation appeal.
Mary Mac’s traditionally supplies a sit down meal served to companions by wonderful volunteers. They offer friendly support and companionship to address the experience of isolation and loneliness of vulnerable people in our community.
We are deeply grateful for your generosity and commitment to putting our faith into action. Donations can be delivered to St Peter’s Catholic College Reception or to Homeroom classes by no later than Friday 8th December.
Donation Items
- Two minute noodles
- Cans of stew
- Microwave pasta
- Non perishables including tin fruit/vegetables, can fish, rice, pasta.
- (Mary Mac’s is inundated with can spaghetti and baked beans therefore these items are not required at present)
- Toiletries including toothpaste, brushes, shampoo, hygiene products.
- Snacks including muesli bars, Le snacks, chips, coffee etc
Mary Mac’s is also fundraising via their Shout a Mate a $6 Plate initiative. To find out more and donate to this worthy cause, please go to www.shoutamateaplate.org.au