Mary Mac’s Place is an initiative of CatholicCare – our social services arm of the Catholic Church in the Diocese of Broken Bay. Homelessness and social isolation can be overcome by working together – CatholicCare and Catholic Schools Broken Bay – as one community. Mary Mac’s receives no funding and rely 100% on community support.
To raise funds to keep this essential service running, we are having a Sausage Sizzle on Friday August 11th during Break 1. Vegetable patties will also be available. Sausage/vegetable sandwiches will be $2.50 each, and students are welcome to bring extra gold coins on the day to go towards Mary Mac’s “Shout a Mate a $6 Plate” initiative.
In addition to the sausage sizzle, we are asking students to bring an item that Mary Mac’s can use in an emergency hamper from the suggestions below:
- Two-minute noodles/noodle cups
- Cans of stew or similar
- Microwave pasta
- Non-perishables including tin fruit/vegetables, can fish, rice, pasta
- Toiletries including toothpaste, brushes, shampoo, hygiene products
- Snacks including muesli bars, Le Snacks, chips, coffee etc
We are deeply grateful for your generosity and commitment to putting our faith into action.
Thank you,
St Peter’s Catholic College