Our Mission is to challenge our learners through a focus on excellence
St Peter’s students are brought to the fullness of life through witness to Jesus Christ and nurtured through a comprehensive curriculum that provides spiritual, intellectual, emotional and communal growth.

At St Peter’s we:

Form young people in Catholic discipleship;

Provide challenging learning experiences that engage students in innovative and collaborative practices;

Build authentic relationships which underpin a safe, caring and supportive community;

Develop respect for self, others and the environment where dignity is paramount;

Promote resilience and positive well-being;

Pursue excellence and celebrate our successes.

St Peter’s Catholic College is an exciting centre of excellence in contemporary and innovative learning. Students, teachers and families work in partnership each day to achieve personalised learning goals in a vibrant environment focusing on skills necessary to be successful in today’s society.

The College makes an impact in the local community through the development of faith-filled graduates who are critical thinkers, good communicators and active contributors to society.

Faith is a lived experience. We are called to be witnesses to our faith in the ways in which we show respect, love and care for one another in celebration of our Catholic identity. Through our College motto, ‘Live the Faith’, we embrace our faith and core values:


Our whole school community is called to action our Mission, Vision and Values through our five Guiding Principles:



You call us to follow you and to be your disciples.
Help us to follow the example of our patron,
St. Peter, a humble fisherman.
Give us the strength to overcome our doubts
and weaknesses as Peter did,
and to dedicate ourselves to you
as the community of St. Peter’s Catholic College.

As we journey in the footsteps of St. Peter,
help us to “live the faith” in all that we do and say.
Unite us in love and renew our commitment to you.

We make this prayer in the name of St. Peter.