Safeguarding and Child Protection


We take our responsibility to protect children seriously.  All staff are expected to promote child safety by having a clear understanding of their legal child protection responsibilities and act in accordance with those responsibilities.

In particular St Peter’s Catholic College will:

  1. Maintain professionalism in our interactions with children at all times by exercising appropriate duty of care and maintaining appropriate professional boundaries.
  2. Follow an established process to address allegations of inappropriate behaviour by staff towards children.
  3. Ensure all people working in our school including parent volunteers, are appropriately screened for working with children.
  4. Respond appropriately when we suspect a child is at risk of significant harm due to possible abuse or neglect by a parent/carer or other adult.

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policies


Catholic Schools Broken Bay develops, publishes and assists St Peter’s Catholic College to implement a range of policies setting out clearly the approaches we take to important issues.

The policies explain who is responsible for putting in place processes within each policy.  Policies also provide a statement of intent from which procedures and guidelines can be developed.

Please click on the links below for more information on Safeguarding and Catholic Schools Broken Bay Safeguarding and Child Protection Policies:

