This week our Class of 2023 have been celebrating their final moments at St Peter’s Catholic College, and it’s certainly been a rollercoaster of emotions for both the students and staff. Part one of the official celebrations kicked off on Tuesday with a relaxed BBQ breakfast – some time for our Year 12’s to enjoy the morning with their friends and Homeroom teachers reminiscing and playing some cricket and basketball before the emotional day ahead.
In tradition, following the breakfast, Year 12 gathered in the theatre with their Homeroom teachers and Year Coordinators for a special assembly to reflect on their time together over the past few years. The assembly started with the Sports, Attendance, and Spirit of St Peter’s Awards presentation, followed by laughter and tears with both the students and their teachers exchanging heartfelt tributes.
After break, the whole school gathered in the hall to honour our Class of 2023 at their final whole school assembly. The celebrations began with the annual Homeroom banner procession, followed by our 2023 College Captain’s inspiring farewell words, a very entertaining goodbye video by the teachers, House point and House Cup winners, a slideshow of Year 12’s SPCC life, finishing off with the tradition of the Year 12 name story by Ms Crawely.
To wrap up this emotionally charged day, our students said their final goodbye to our Year 12 cohort as they took their last walk through the College in the Guard of Honour. The tears were certainly flowing, and it was heartwarming to see just how loved the Class of 2023 are!