The Year 12 Textiles and Design students have worked consistently to produce creative and innovation Major Textile Projects. Textiles and Design is one of the more challenging HSC subjects due to the magnitude of the major work component , however students were up to the challenge with all students completing and submitting both the folio and practical components of their MTP. Projects ranged from costumes, apparel , non-apparel and furnishings.
Keumala – “ My Major Textile Project is an Indonesian styled skirt with a detailed crochet top. My design is inspired by my Indonesian culture that has been modified to be worn on special occasions to showcase its unique features. The highly decorative top is a reflection of skills and techniques I learnt whilst being in lockdown in 2022”
Lilly – “My Major Textile Project fits into the costume focus area and was designed to be worn at many important Aboriginal events. This gown has particular importance to me as it represents and reflects my identity as an Indigenous woman, with specific representation to my totem animal; the goanna. “
Charlie – “ For my Major Textile Project I created a dress inspired by the tragic floods which devastatingly hit Australia’s Queensland and New South Wales damaging more than 25, 000 homes. This dress reflects how beautiful water can be , through the flow and colour in the skirt, whilst also displaying its damaging effects. “
Sophie – “ My macrame wall hanging fits into the textile art focus area. My inspiration for this wall hanging was to create a highly decorative Macraweave textile artwork that reflects elements of nature that my property is surrounded by.”
Olivia – “ My inspiration is drawn from my passion for Feminism Movements and promoting the inclusivity and crushing gender stereotypes. I have created a matching pantsuit that is not only functional but also diverse , non- binary and suitable for any individual to freely express themselves.
Rachel – “ My inspiration for my Major Textile project is derived from 19th Century sailors weaving techniques with a modern day ocean inspired colour palette to represent trends of the 21st century. My macrame wall hanging features a range of embellishments and decorative techniques to create visual appeal. “
Ashlee – “ For my Major Textile Project I decided to create a two- piece set that fits into the apparel focus area. The inspiration for my garment came from utilising different dying techniques to create a unique and one of a kind fabric that could be incorporated into my skirt component.”
Mika – “ For my Major Textile Project I have created a beautiful and intricate high fashion wearable art piece that portrays my emotion and desire to promote ocean health. I have also been inspired by fashion’s on the tennis court and decided to combine two concepts into one textile art garment.
Evelyn – “ My chosen focus area for my Major Textile Project is Textile Art, it related to my garment as it highlights the different aspects of a wearable textile art , with the contemporary aspect of COVID-19 mixed with elegant fashion “