Students of year 9 embarked on a week-long surfing and fishing adventure at Seal Rocks for camp in week 4. The week was focused on surfing and learning to surf throughout the week with a side of fishing and hiking. The seamless blend of thrilling waves for surfing and the exhilarating pursuit of fishing created an atmosphere of pure enjoyment and connection. What stood out most was the prevailing sense of respect and community that permeated every aspect of the activities. Students spent the week doing everything for themselves and consistently supported each other across all activities. From exchanging tips with fellow surfers to sharing stories of the day’s catch, there was a palpable feeling of camaraderie that transcended individual pursuits. This sense of unity was further amplified by the well-behaved kids who injected an infectious enthusiasm into the activities. Witnessing Michayla’s Bomber of a fish catch was undoubtedly a highlight, along with the “stoke” for being outdoors and spending all day in the water catching waves together. A testament to the supportive and encouraging environment fostered by the collective spirit. As the week came to a close all students reflected on the lasting memories and newfound friendships that were etched into the sands of Seal Rocks, making this a truly unforgettable experience.
Aidan Taylor