Year 9 Wee Jasper Camp

By August 30, 2023 All News

The Year 9 Camp at Wee Jasper was a resounding success. It was a fun filled, action packed adventure and students bonded in activity groups and chatted around the fire about their experiences.  It instilled commitment and courage in students through challenging activities, such as abseiling and caving, promoting personal growth and teamwork.

Students faced physically and mentally demanding challenges, like abseiling from 5m to  25m cliffs at the Crater, and navigating through narrow caves such as Punchbowl, Signature , and the Gong, pushing them beyond comfort zones and requiring both commitment and courage.

Facing these challenges, students showcased resilience and teamwork, supporting each other and discovering the power of collaboration, communication, and mutual assistance.

The camp’s success owes much to Australian Outdoor Education, which provided expertise and guidance, enriching students’ understanding of commitment and courage through practical learning.

The dedicated team of teachers, including Ms Pana, Ms Nakhoul, Mr Bates, Mr Sanchez, Mr Scott, Mr Denniss, and Mr Little, played a crucial role in ensuring students’ safety, growth, and learning.

Duncan Little